I, the personal data subject, according to the Federal Law of 27 July 2006 No. 152 «On Personal Data» give my consent to process my personal data collected when vising the web-site www.tutu.ru (hereinafter — the «Site») in the Internet to «NTT» LLC (hereinafter — the «Operator»), registered at 115230, Moscow, 1st Nagatinsky pr-d, 10, bldg. 1, floor 13. The data is as follows: cookies, type and version of the operating system, type and version of the browser, type of device and screen resolution, source, another web-site or advertising which I used to access the Site, the language of the operating system and the browser, my actions on the Site, ip-address, with the purpose to analyze the improving quality of the services provided by the Operator and the Site, to analyze my actions on the Site and to collect statistical information.
I consent to transfer my personal data to YANDEX LLC, registered at 119021, Moscow, Lev Tolstoy st., 16, to AppsFlyer Ltd, registered at Israel, Herzliya, Maskit 14 st., as well as to transfer (access to) my personal data to Google LLC, registered at 115035, Moscow, Balchug st., 7, in order to collect statistical information, i.e. cookies, type and version of the operating system, type and version of the browser, type of device and screen resolution, source, another web-site or advertising which I used to access the Site, the language of the operating system and the browser, my actions on the Site, ip-address.
The consent is given to perform the following actions (operations) with the personal data specified in the consent: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, anonymization, use, transfer, blocking, deletion and destruction using the means of automating (automated processing).
I confirm that I’m acquainted with the requirements of laws of the Russian Federation which stipulate the procedure of the personal data processing, with the Operator policy in relation to the personal data processing, as well as my rights and obligations in this field.
The consent is valid till the purposes of processing are achieved, or till the time when there is no further need to achieve these purposes after the processing purposes are achieved, or when there is no further need to achieve these purposes.
The consent may be revoked by me anytime on the basis of my written application.
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